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Proyectos de investigación

MELTIC “Ideas MELting pot for TIC and Health science for Citizens in small communities (MELTIC)”

Nota informativa: Atención, el contenido de esta publicación se encuentra íntegramente en inglés.
MELTIC Project (Ideas MELting pot for TIC and Health science for Citizens in small communities) is a proposal for co‐creation of research in the disciplines of Health and Information and Communications Technologies to improve the quality of life of European citizens in small communities. MELTIC connects with diverse European Policy challenges such as depopulation, health, active aging, education, youth and climate change and seeks to identify current and future needs of citizens. The objective is to generate, through co‐creation methodologies, suitable ideas for research in ICT in Health and Biomedicine, in topics such as self‐learning, false information discrimination and ludopathy prevention in order to innovate about the use of existing public spaces and/or build new ones. The project will focus on developing a transnational co-creation workshop, during which over 30 participants from small communities with local health‐related profiles (patients, parents, doctors, nurses, associations and politicians) in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Romania will generate a Vade mecum of 100 ideas for research in ICT in Health and Biomedicine and a model for cooperation in small communities in rural areas. Both outputs will be delivered on line and available for small communities to use.

​​​​​​​Discover the MELTIC website or check out the MELTIC presentation.


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